
Step Quest is a team based exercise game (exergame) for iOS and Android that requires you to move! In order to play, you must wear a Fitbit. Your real world steps transmute into the in-game currency, Fit Coins.

Rules: two teams compete for the most laps around the game board. The only way to move your character is by playing one of three cards on your turn. Cards can only be played if you have enough Fit Coins. The more coins you have, the better cards you can play!

I worked with a wonderful team from early 2015 to mid 2016, where I was a research assistant and game designer. I oversaw the main game mechanics from paper prototypes to final build, but this was truly a collaborative development – this game simply would not exist without my exceptionally talented peers.

Step Quest’s server went offline shortly after I left the project – hence no playable build.